Adding and Deleting Users on Ubuntu 14.04 VPS Introduction Using Linux VPS means you will often have to know how to add and remove a user. After creating a...
How To Install Linux, Nginx, MySQL, and PHP (LEMP) stack on Ubuntu 14.04 Introduction The LEMP software stack is a group of softwares which are used for serving dynamic web pages and web...
How to See System Users In Ubuntu Linux VPS Introduction Linux is known for being the one more common with the tech-savvy among us. The reason for this is...
Iptables Tutorial – Securing Ubuntu VPS with Linux Firewall Introduction Iptables Linux firewall is for monitoring incoming and outgoing traffic to a server, then filtering it depending on...
How to Change SSH Port on Linux VPS Introduction In order to properly secure your VPS, you may want to change the default SSH port. Note that,...