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How to Choose a CMS? 4 Best CMS 2018

Choosing best CMS

Do you know how the websites were created in the early days of the internet? They were created by using HTML files and one of the main features of HTML sites is that only a single file existed for all of the pages that were present on the website and there was no concept of Choosing a Best CMS.
Though this helped to create a website quickly, it also proved to be problematic as changing the content of one particular site meant the designer had to edit each of the files in the website manually.
This, of course, sounds very tedious. However, gone are the days when HTML files were the only option to create a site. Websites nowadays have become sophisticated, now most of the websites that you see will be using a back-end database for their content and that is where the role of CMS comes into play.
In this article, we will help you understand the following:

  • What a CMS is
  • The importance of CMS
  • How to choose your CMS
  • The best CMS options for you

What is a CMS?

Content Management System (CMS) is software that allows developers to create and run websites. When using a CMS, you will be presented with an admin panel on the site that will allow you to do the following:

  • Create pages
  • Update pages
  • Add posts that include texts, images, videos, etc.
  • Arrange the content according to your requirements
  • Change the web design by installing themes

CMS allows all of these creations and modifications to be made with just a click; there is no need to write any codes or scripts manually. You now know what exactly a CMS is.

Importance of CMS

No one can deny the importance of CMS on a website. It has many uses, a few of which are listed below.

Quick editing

CMS gives the users access to the content database on the web. With the help of a form, you can edit the page contents on the website quickly and easily.
best CMS

Database Protection

CMS does not allow users to interact with the database directly. By using CMS, you protect your database from an accidental mess. CMS controls the way you create and save the content on the website.

A user-friendly composition of Content

Using CMS makes it easier for you to compose content allowing even media to be uploaded quickly through the media upload tools available in the CMS software.
best CMS

Allows the novice to create a Website

If you do not have any HTML knowledge then do not fear; you do not need it to create your website or blog. CMS provides you with editing tools that make it easier for you to build and edit the content of your site.

Saves Money

You now no longer need a website designer when you want to create or edit your posts, you can do it yourself. This means that you will be saving money that would otherwise be spent to run your website and blog.
You now know that having CMS for your website will be helpful for you. However, there is a problem; there are many CMS available online. Which one to choose? Before we give you the list of the best CMS, you should first know about the criteria for selecting a CMS.

How to Choose Your CMS?

Different types of content management systems work for different people, therefore, it is vital for you to know what exactly you are looking for when you want to choose a CMS.
There can be many criteria based on your requirements but make sure that you do not ignore these three vital factors while choosing a CMS.

How vast is your knowledge?

If you have used WordPress before, then the chances are pretty high that using the same CMS to develop your other websites will increase your productivity. Also, you will not have to take the pain of learning new things. However, if you are a website developer who has an immense amount of creativity, a basic CMS may not satisfy you.

What kind of database and scripting language are you planning to use?

You should choose a CMS based on the database and scripting language that you want to use. If you have a good experience with MySQL and PHP, then using a Java-based CMS will hamper your productivity as you will not be using your full potential. Therefore, be picky about the CMS you choose on the basis of the scripting language and database.

Do you need extensibility for your website?

A CMS can be further enhanced by using plugins and bolt-ons. In fact, it will allow you to convert your simple blog into a fully functional e-commerce website, web application, or even a forum.
On the basis of the site that you are planning to develop, you can also go for more than one CMS.
Write down the answers to the above-asked questions; this will help you figure out which CMS is best for you.
Best cms

Best CMS Options For You

The most popular and useful CMS available on the internet are WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, and Magento. The essential features of all these Content Management Systems are listed for you here in order to make the process of choosing a CMS easier.


This has plenty of ready-made themes available; you will never run out of beautiful designs in WordPress. Aside from designs, it has plenty of plugins which can make the development of your website easier. You do not need any existing knowledge to start using WordPress as CMS.

wordpress cms
WordPress cms panel

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If you have any knowledge of HTML or CSS then you can try this CMS. The operating blocks lover will have fun working in Joomla. Also, there are numerous hidden functions in this CMS which are waiting to be explored by you.
joomla cms
Joomla cms panel


If you are looking for massive popularity for your website, then choose Drupal as it gives you the power to experiment with the interfaces. If you are planning to build a unique internet site, this is the CMS for you.

Drupal cms panel
Drupal cms panel


If you are planning to build an e-commerce platform, you should go for Magento which is available in two versions: free and paid. This is a CMS that is built exclusively for providing the needs of a website that is meant to function as an e-commerce market.
Magento CMS
Magento cms panel
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Wrap Up

You should know why you are building your website, this is the first way of knowing the CMS that you should choose. Once you know that, list the other factors that should be taken into consideration including your budget for which CMS.
Remember that it is critical to choose the right CMS to mark the internet presence with your brand.

Over to you; add your favorite CMS in the comments section below, because, this list will not be complete without your healthy feedback and contribution.

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